Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Stock Job Interview Questions

It is indeed pityful that unvoidable stock job interview questions expected in a well structured interview panel are now freely given out. Most of these questions are based on the basic operation(s) or the nature of work carried out by such companies or firms. Below are some of these questions and answers:

1. What are your weaknesses?
Ans: You can say "i don't think too highly of myself, i'm very slow to anger, i don't like being idle, oderly manner etc, and these habits are noted from people around me"
- The expression "I don't think too highly of myself" tells the interviewers that
you are not feeling too big, and so on...
- Slow to anger tells the panel that you are someone who is not frequently and
simply subjected to anger, wrath, etc.
- You don't like being idle shows that you are not a lazy person.
- Oderly manner implies that you can always put things in the right place.
- These habits are noted from people around you shows them that these are the feedback you got from these weaknesses.

2. What are your Strengths?
Ans: You can say " i do have some strenghts which are: im observant, good team player, time conscious minded person, communicative, etc.

-Being observant shows that you can easily note changes and act upon (proactivity).
-Good team playing implies that you can work with other members in a given team and contribute effectively to the desired goal (synergy).
-Time consciousness shows that you are someone that is always punctual on duties.
-Communicative shows that you are someone that can easily be communicated with.

In job interviews, ensure that all the above practices are implemented and hopefuly your job shall be grasped.These questions are about personal habits.

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